ways for kids to make money

4 Methods: Conducting Business in the Living Environment Being a Les Gurus, Baby Sitters and Pet Guards Get Pocket Money Getting a Part Time Job or a Summer Job

It may be difficult for you to find a way to make easy money in childhood, depending on your age and work experience. However, there are still many opportunities available to you as long as you know the right place to find them. As a kid, to make money easily, try doing homework so you can earn additional pocket money. You can also be a babysitter, mowing lawn, looking for part-time work with low age requirements, or even entrepreneurship (eg opening lemonade booths or handicrafts on the roadside). By looking for creative ways to earn money, you don't need to always ask your parents for money. In addition, some work options can provide valuable experience and help you build a convincing resume.

Method 1 Doing Business in a Residential Neighborhood

1 Open the lemonade booth. In season or hot weather, lemonade booths are usually quite crowded. In addition, by opening a lemonade booth you can also get enough money. Collect your friends and make lemonade for sale in your neighborhood.
There are many factors that influence the business success of the lemonade. The first factor is the location of the booth. You need to set up a booth in a place that doesn't have many competitors, lots of people go by, and clearly visible from the surrounding environment (eg street corners).
Make your booth as attractive as possible. If you feel very creative, build a classic and ornamental style booth using ribbons and banners bearing your "company" name.
Record the funds spent to buy materials, then set the price of the right product so you can get a profit. Make sure you don't set a price that is too high.
Make a menu of products you offer, and try to sell other products (not just lemonade). Maybe you have cookies or brownies that can be sold, or want to offer lemonade with a choice of different flavors. Create a website to advertise your business. Make sure you've got permission from your parents to do business and create a website. To make it, try visiting
Set different tasks for each person. Make a poster and ask your friends to go around and stick the poster, or stand at the end of the street while promoting your lemonade. Make sure there is someone who makes lemonade so you don't run out of products.

2 Selling drinks and cakes on the road. Like lemonade booths, you can also apply the same idea to sell drinks or snacks at community events. Prepare a cooler and sell products or bottled water in the garden when the weather is hot.
If you have a brother who follows a baseball or soccer game, you can come to the game and offer your product to the players and the parents present.
Make banners for your products and your stand with tables and coolers.
Try selling water and juice to earn extra money.
Make sure the price of the product you set makes sense.

3 Create and sell jewelry or other similar products. Gather your friends together and make the works of hasta together. You can make jewelry from beads, boondoggle (accessories from woven), and others. After that, you can sell it in mobile cars, market booths, yard sale venues , and even the internet. Of course you need to ask for help and permission from your parents before selling your product.

4 Sell items that are not needed on eBay or similar sites. Make sure you have asked your parents for permission to sell these items.

5 Hold a car wash business group. Gather with friends in your neighborhood to get money quickly and offer car wash services.
Determine the exact date and make a poster to promote your business. Enter the poster into your neighbor's mailbox and ask each of the friends involved to invite each family to try the car wash services offered.
Determine the right place to wash the car, such as a wide / long car entrance.
Prepare buckets, water, duster, sponges, and other supplies. After that, provide car wash services on the date specified and collect the money earned.
Make sure you only provide this service to people in the neighborhood you know. Also, ask adults to keep an eye on your work.
Make sure you always ask permission to the owner of the car before using cleaning products on his car (other than water).

6 Cut the grass and clean the driveway of your neighbor's house from the snow. Grass cutting service and cleaning the parking area from snow (if you live in an area with four seasons) can be the right way to get extra money easily. Let's just say the service is a business that you run, and look for the name for the "business". Paste posters around your residence to promote your services (including contact numbers that can be contacted). You can also offer the service directly to your neighbor who lives next door.
It's a good idea to provide your own equipment, although there may be some customers who have prepared equipment that you can use.
Offer prices that are balanced with the size of the yard or the entrance of the car, as well as the time needed to complete your work.
For grass cutting services, set a fixed service schedule (days and hours) for each week. For cleaning the driveway of the car from snow, it's good you can finish your work on time.

Method  2 Become Les Teachers, Babysitter, and Pet Guardians
1 Become a tutor for your friends and neighbors. If you feel very good at one subject, or you can play a musical instrument such as a guitar or piano, you can earn extra money by offering to teach the skill to your friends or neighbors. However, keep in mind that even your friends may not have a lot of money so make sure you want to be generous and not set prices too high on your friends.
If you are in a class with your friends and better understand a particular subject, you can offer yourself to teach him and help him do the assignments or learn to face the exam.
If you have a younger brother, you can offer yourself to teach your sister so that your parents do not have to always check the values and duties of their home.

2 Be a babysitter for your neighbors or your parents' friends. One of the most profitable ways to earn money easily at the age of the children is to be a babysitter or child. For starters, offer yourself to take care of your sister, and after you get experience, you can offer your baby or child care services to your neighbors.
Take a baby care course. Some institutions (eg Red Cross ) offer courses and training that give you the skills to deal with children, and teach you what needs to be done if there are medical problems in children. The existence of the certificate will make it easier for you to get a job, and set a higher service fee.
Get referrals from others. Ask your parents to tell their friends who need babysitter services about the services you offer. You can also paste posters around your residence to promote your services.
Think of this as your own business. Find a name for your business and set a fee for the services offered.
Try joining an online baby sitter network like Sittercity .

3 Offer child care services. When school holidays begin, you certainly don't need to go to school, but your parents still have to go to the office. You can take advantage of that moment to get extra money by providing child care services for people who live in the neighborhood. This method will be more effective if there are some friends who can help you.
Keep in mind that not all parents want to leave their children to you throughout the day. However, if you have previously taken care of a baby or child and can be trusted with the task, there may be some parents who want to entrust their child to you.
This method is also considered more effective if you are older and there are some friends who can help you.
Promote child care services around your residence and offer fun activities for children. You also hold a walk to the park for activities (eg playing football). In addition, you can also make handicrafts or art products at home.
You can combine child care services with tutoring.

4 Be a pet nanny or take your neighbor's dog for a walk. If you are comfortable with pets, raising animals or taking a dog for a walk can be a great way to earn money easily. Usually, dogs and cats are pets that need to be looked after or cared for, but people are also sometimes attracted by fish care services, amphibians, reptiles, and others. However, make sure you do not accept offers to take care of pets that you can not keep or care for properly.
Make a poster to promote your business. Insert a poster into a mailbox or bulletin board located around your residence.
Record the schedule in the agenda book. This way, you can find out what animals need to be maintained or cared for at certain times. In addition, also note the type of food and the bathing schedule of the animals (if needed bathing).
Make sure you manage each key properly. Link the suitcase label with the name of the homeowner on each key, but do not specify the address on the label. If at any time you lose the key, there may be other people who can do evil and come home with the address listed on the label.
Set a balanced price, but competitive enough with the services of other pet guards or caregivers. For starters, the cost range of 50-150 thousand rupiah for each visit can be the right choice.

Method 3 Get my money
1 Ask for an allowance to your parents. Try asking your parents to pay you to complete certain homework every week. If your parents do not want to give you an allowance for the job, try to explain that by giving you an allowance, you do not have to depend much on your parents every time you go for a walk.
Getting an allowance will feel like a job. By getting paid for the services you provide, you can build a good and useful work ethic when you grow up.
Give a proposal to your parents. Make a schedule in one week and write down the jobs you can do, as well as the right costs for each job. After that, you and your parents can negotiate the pocket money earned.

2 Clean your house . Cleaning your room at home can be a great way to earn an allowance. There are many tasks you can complete to earn extra money, from cleaning windows, wiping furniture, to vacuuming.
Keeping your room clean is not enough to earn extra money. It is possible that your parents feel that you should be responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of your own room. Therefore, give a higher offer to clean the other rooms in the house.
Discuss with your parents about the fees for each room or assignment. Maybe the salary earned for cleaning the hallway is not as big as the restaurant cleaning cost because the hallway is not as large as the dining room, and the cleaning takes less time.

3 Do the work outdoors. Seasonal outdoor work can also be a great way to earn extra money because your parents are too busy to do it (or may be reluctant to do it on their own).
Offer yourself to sweep leaves, mow the lawn, and weed the yard. If you live in a country with four seasons, you can offer to dredge the snow from the driveway.
If you do seasonal work consistently, like cutting grass or dredging snow from the driveway, you can talk to your parents about fixed costs every time you finish the job.
If you want to sweep leaves on the lawn, try negotiating an hourly fee with your parents.

Method 4 Getting a Part-Time Job or a Summer Job
1 Try working at a retail store or restaurant. Typically, retail and restaurant stores set an age limit for their workers. However, if you are old enough, getting a part-time job or job in the summer can be a great way to earn money easily and develop a resume.
Today, more and more teenagers are taking part-time jobs as waitresses in restaurants, or working in hotels. Even though it's not a fairly prestigious job, you can get a job like that more easily.
Other retailers such as teenage clothing stores (distros) or big stores like Ace and Yogya can be a great place to work. Try visiting the company's website and look for vacancies available.
When applying for a job and (mainly) following an interview, make sure you wear a neat and polite outfit unless you are asked to wear a particular outfit to the interview session. If you don't have a resume, make sure you can tell about previous achievements. In addition, it would be better if you have references from other people.

2 Be a pool guard or park manager. Another way you can take to earn money easily (and the charm of tan skin) is to be a pool keeper or park manager. Visit the manager of the pool or park in your town and ask about available vacancies and what is required for you to be accepted to work in that place.
Pool guards must undergo special training and have certificates. If you are determined to be a pool keeper, it's good that you follow the right training.
Once you get the certificate, keep in mind that you will not just get the job you want. Therefore, it's good for you to find out in advance whether the manager of the pool or the beach in your city is indeed opening a job. You can also ask your trainer about tips for getting a job.
You can also contact the park manager in your town to find out if there is a special job (especially in the holiday season) that you can take. Sometimes, these jobs include managing a children's event every week or sporting event.

3 Work in the family business. If your parents run a business, find out if your parents allow you to work part-time in the business. This can be an alternative choice to earn an allowance and easier to do than find another job, especially if you do not have work experience or are too young.
Ask if you can clean the shop and get paid per hour.
There may be certain jobs that need to be completed, such as filing letters, filling the envelopes, or even going around the city to simply distribute posters or coupons.
This can also be a good opportunity to develop a resume. Surely this development will help you when you later have to get out of the family business and find another job.

Always set a balanced and competitive fee. Don't set prices that are too high or low.
When looking for a job, contact people you know first. It's possible they can help you get a job.
Be a creative person. Brainstorm with your friends.
If you make money from the internet, create a PayPal account. The PayPal site provides safe services for sending and receiving payments.
Always ask permission from your parents before taking or doing any work.
Show a friendly attitude to the people who hire you.
Make sure you have all the equipment needed to run your business.
When selling drinks, make sure you also provide a variety of flavor choices and set a cheaper price for mineral / fresh water.
If you can make your own handicraft products, you can sell these products on the internet or lemonade booth.
Try to interact with customers so they feel welcomed and want to buy your product again.
Tell me why you need money. If the reason is good, people will be happy to help you.
Always finish your work on time and be polite. If you work, especially for others, be a reliable worker so you can get referrals and find more job opportunities.
Talk to customers. Many people (especially older people) like to chat. Therefore, break their day by talking to them.

When selling products on eBay, make sure you have permission from your parents. Don't let you sell something that your parents still want or need.
In the United States, entering a brochure into someone's mailbox is illegal. In Australia, you can enter brochures or posters into someone's mailbox as long as there are no stickers labeled " No Junk Mail " in the mailbox. In Indonesia alone, you can enter your business brochure or poster into a mailbox, or even leave it at someone's door.
Make sure you get permission from the local government to open the lemonade booth.

4 Methods: Performing a Session Occupation Finding Jobs on the Internet Selling Crafts and Household Goods Working in Service Industry

The job market is a tough place for teenagers, but with perseverance and ingenuity, you can certainly find a way to make money. This wikiHow article contains various ideas on how to make money for teenagers.

Method 1 Doing a Part-time Job
1 Try to be a nanny for your neighbors and family. One of the best ways for teenagers to earn money and help the community is to nurture children. If you are a responsible person and love children, try it. Ask a family friend who has a small child if they need help taking care of a child and start building a client base.
You can start by getting a CPR certificate and taking P3K exercises to make people more confident in entrusting their child to you. Local community centers, hospitals, and the Red Cross usually offer such training for free or for a low fee.
If you don't have the experience of caring for a child and your new client is worried about this shortage, have them give you a trial period. For the first opportunity, take care of their children when they are home and can supervise.

2 Take care of parks and gardens. Most people are too busy to have time to take care of the yard, but they also don't want their yard to look neat or ignored. They will usually gladly pay people to mow the grass, sweep away the dried leaves, or trim the bonsai, especially if they can hire a teenage neighbor or family friend. Start by asking if your neighbors and relatives need help, if this does not show much results, paste the information in the home environment to offer your services.
Overseas, teenagers usually offer to sweep the snow from neighboring driveways or sidewalks in the winter.
You can also consider working in teams with friends or family members to take care of the park. The task must be divided, but the work will be completed faster.

3 Take over the task of cleaning the house. Since you are part of the family, you must have a duty to keep the house clean, but you can also ask the parents to give additional responsibility by getting paid. After all, your parents already have many other tasks and worries, so they will appreciate your help. You can negotiate compensation for half the fees that professionals will require.
Some experts say that parents and teenagers can also negotiate prices based on performance. So, for example, you agree to pay Rp. 30,000 to clean the garage and ditch with standard results. If the results of your work exceed expectations, you can receive payments of up to Rp. 40,000.00 or Rp. 50,000.00. Plans like this will respect your work and also teach you about a better work ethic.

4 Help seniors. The ability to move and the agility of the elderly usually begin to decrease, so they are difficult to do some things that become a daily routine. If in your area there are seniors, ask if you can help them shopping, moving furniture, fixing computer problems, or watering plants. However, make sure the deal is clear to both sides up front because you definitely do not want to do the work you think will be paid, it is only considered as a relief based on kindness.
For example, if your grandfather usually invites his friends every week, ask if you can come to provide services to his friends. Your grandfather can tell his friends that you are looking for extra money, and you can explain what you will do after they all gather.

5 Offer yourself to take a neighbor dog for a walk. Although most people like to walk with their own pet dogs, they are usually too busy to do it. Pet dog welfare is very important to them, so they are willing to spend money on people who want to take over the job. So if you love dogs and have lots of energy, take advantage of that interest and enthusiasm to make money.
Being a pet companion is now easier with the mobile application for job seekers. You can join through an application like that.

6 Give tutoring to your schoolmates. If you are an outstanding student, look for school rules about paid tutoring. You may not be able to teach you blatantly at school or advertise it, but that does not mean you can not teach them privately in a public library or home.
You can also register at online services such as WizIQ or Tutor Hub that connect you with students who need tutoring. Most of these sites require a high school diploma, but there are also more flexible terms.
Do not give up just because you are not a genius. If you are very good at sports, musical instruments, or hobbies such as wood crafts, you can still give private pay courses.

7 Advertise the services you offer. Whatever work you want to do to earn money, you have to pass it on to someone who has the potential to hire you. You can put cheap ads in newspapers or hand out pamphlets, but it might be easier-and usually free-to advertise on the internet. Consider placing ads on popular ad sites or generating interest in your services on social media pages. You'll wonder yourself when you see a lot of people in your social circle who need help with household chores and other small jobs, so spread your ad and see what happens.
After the service you offer starts running, you can consider creating a separate social media account as other small businesses do.
As always, you should be very careful when advertising or doing business on the internet. Make sure your parents know and agree with all the advertisements and forums that you use. For example, if you advertise on Instagram and Facebook, make sure your parents know about these two social media portals and can help you manage them, and ask them to come with you if you get a job to mow the lawn or take care of the child for the first time.

Method 2 Search for Jobs on the Internet
1 Sell stock photos. If you have a pretty good camera and know how to take good pictures, try selling stock photos. Photos don't usually make a lot of money, but remember that you are developing useful skills and a relaxed hobby. Plus, if you devote a lot of time and practice, you can just make a lot of money later.
There are many stock photo agencies that buy photos on the internet, so don't give up if you are rejected by the first place. Companies like Shutterstock, Dreamstime, and iStock are some of the biggest buyers, but you can also try exclusive agencies if your photo quality is better.

2 Try a cellphone application that pays services to buy something or go somewhere. If you have a smart phone, you can find an application that brings together local businesses or people who want their work done with paid compensation. Not all of these tasks are paid for with decent money, but it's usually very easy. For example, a business or marketing research company might pay you for your own picture in a certain place, and you can consider it an adventure or a hunt.
Examples of applications like this are GigWalk, WeReward, and CheckPoints, but there are many more out there. Make sure that the program accepts teenagers when you join.
Gambar berjudul Make Money (for Teenagers) Step 10
Take part in internet surveys. Marketing research is a very important part of big business, and paid survey sites are one of the many ways to complete research. Most surveys are quick and unobtrusive, and you can do it from your home computer. Spend some time searching for a trusted site that does not ask for registration fees and accepts teenagers.
In America, filling out surveys is not a very profitable job, the average survey fee is $ 7.00- $ 8.00 per hour, but it's easy and stable.
There is also the opportunity to participate in paid marketing research in focus groups. Unlike internet surveys, focus groups meet face to face and are paid between $ 50.00 and $ 150.00 per hour.

4 Make a YouTube channel. You can make money by uploading videos on free services like YouTube because of ads that are played before and during popular content. Although there are three million users and channels that compete with each other, don't be discouraged before trying. After all, most of the most successful YouTube stars start as teenagers who are looking for extra money while having fun. It's just that, make sure your parents agree to the content you upload and ask for their help to respond to user comments for security.
While vlog may be a fashion and video game guide is the most common type of YouTube content, do not feel limited in this arena only. If you like working on your family or telling jokes or displaying comedy plays in front of your family, consider recording them and upload them to your channel. You can also form a book club or YouTube fan group and lead a discussion about your favorite novels, music and movies.
You can start with a regular laptop camera and home lighting, but if you want higher quality and production value, consider buying a better camera, editing equipment, and professional lighting.

5 Participate in local research. Many universities and drug companies pay people to participate in research or clinical trials. Some of these studies are carried out in the afternoon, while others require long-term commitment, so make sure you've read all the terms and conditions before starting.
To find a trial that will and is currently underway, you can check out the official advertising sites and university websites and clinics.
Most clinical trials are not open to teenagers, but you can find some if looking for special research for teenagers. However, make sure you ask for permission from parents because they have to sign a trial if you are accepted.

Method 3  Selling Handicrafts and Household Items
1 Hold a sale on the home page. Even if you have nothing to sell, your family may have unused items that only fill the place in the house and garage. Ask your parents if they want to tidy up old things and allow you to sell them as long as you are the one who sent them. If they agree, clear your closet, attic, or basement, and advertise the sale you plan on in the home environment.
Although it seems odd, do not put a price on a single item. People usually start bidding at a price that exceeds your expectations, so let them bid before you say anything.
You can make extra money at this event by providing drinks or cheap snacks. If the weather is sunny, offer orange or soda water, if it's cold, offer warm tea.

2 Bring old clothes to a thrift store. Although charities usually receive clothing as donations, thrift stores and consignments will pay some money for used clothing. Collect clothes and accessories that you do not use or like anymore and take them to a thrift store. They probably will not buy it if the model is outdated or the condition is ugly, but you can always donate the clothes they reject.
Make sure you have washed all the clothes that will be offered to the store because cleanliness and conditions will affect their judgment and evaluation.
Consignment shop is the best choice for designer clothes. You do not get money up front, but will get a higher price after the clothes are sold.

3 Enter a collection item or no longer used in online advertising. If you have valuable collections that you are ready to release, you can launch them on websites like Ebay. Unlike random visitors who only pass on the home page when you sell items, here they are interested in what you sell and are willing to pay a higher price.
The most important thing when entering items in online advertising is to include good photos. Buyers will not risk bidding on items if they don't see high-quality detailed images, so use a camera and lighting that is good for photographing items before being advertised.
Make sure you talk about the security of online transactions with previous parents and ask them to accompany if you make a direct transaction.

4 Make handicraft items for sale. If you are good at making things and love art classes, try making craft items for sale on the internet. You can make a bracelet of friendship, jewelry of stone, origami, or shirt screen printing, depending on the equipment you have and how much money you have as capital. Start advertising your handicraft items in personal and mouth-to-mouth social media among friends and family.
Try browsing Etsy to see what options you have and what kind of craft is best selling on this site. Research can save you time and keep you from harming mistakes.
Later, you need to price twice as much as material and production costs, but you also need to start from a medium price so you can build a customer base.
If you are still unsure about opening an online store, try making seasonal craft items while on vacation, which is easy to make and only requires a small investment. For example, you can make christmas decorations and sell them. If the results are good and you enjoy the process, think of opening a more permanent shop.

Method 4 Working in the Service Industry
1 Check if there is a vacancy in the supermarket. Many supermarkets that employ teenagers as fill shopping bags or stock counters, and jobs like this can be used as an experience in a beginner's CV. Your pay will not exceed the minimum wage, but the money is stable and consistent as long as you leave according to working hours and become a reliable employee. Most likely, you will also work while meeting the same-minded teenagers. However, make sure you are able to stand for hours because work like this is very physically demanding.
If you don't have a vehicle, make sure that the store can be reached on foot, or that your parents or siblings are willing to drive every day. If there is a vehicle, make sure you put gasoline into the salary calculation that you will get.

2 Try to be a restaurant waiter. Although most restaurants require servers and bar staff over the age of 18 or 21 years, many also employ teenagers as helpers or bussers , food takers, or delivery service drivers. In this work, you do not interact much with customers, but will gain valuable experience in the restaurant industry and often also receive part of the server tip. This is also physical work because you are expected to stand throughout working hours, so consider if you have a problem with the need to move a lot.
Working in restaurants also has some safety issues, such as slipping and burning, so make sure you comply with all safety regulations before you start work and that you have received adequate training from employers.

3 Work at a fast food restaurant. This is not a glamorous job, but the fast food industry is one of the biggest employers for teenagers around the world. The work is pretty easy, but you should be prepared for high pressure during peak hours. Also, be aware that some labor rights advocates and advocates claim that teenagers should avoid the fast-food industry. They mentioned that some of the reasons employers in the industry use teenage employees are lack of benefits, rights, and education, so do some research before you work in this field.
Just like work in other restaurants, there are several dangers in the workplace that you must know in advance. Slipping, burning, and sores are a number of problems that you might face, as well as the potential for hearing damage from the drive-thru headset .

4 Look for vacancies in recreation. Places like cinemas, playgrounds, swimming pools, etc. are looking for employees from their teens, so consider working in this field if there are vacancies in your area. You have to undergo some training and swimming qualifications if you want to be a beach guard or pool, but there are also many other opportunities that do not require any experience.
In addition, think of seasonal opportunities such as vacation camps and haunted houses during carnivals. This job of recruiting a lot of teenagers, can be the way you expand social interaction, and is almost guaranteed to give you great stories!

Dress well during the interview. First impressions are very important, and a neat appearance will make you look responsible and dedicated.
Think of each job opportunity as more than a way to earn money. All work and work experience providing valuable learning experiences can be used to get better jobs in the future.
A cafe or a department store with bulletin boards is a great place to stick a flyer. Ask for permission in advance with the management.
Maybe this one method is not a popular choice, but lottery prizes and bets are an easy and fun way to get extra pocket money. Ask parents for permission first and see what happens.
Wait a few days after your homework is done. Parents usually do not pay every day.

Be careful when filling out surveys online. Some are just tricks and will send many junk and / or virus e-mails.
Be careful when using services like PayPal when buying and selling on the internet. This service charges a fee from a sale, so make sure you monitor your account with caution.
Make sure you have permission to sell whatever you want to sell. Don't sell items that your parents still want. In addition, consider the personal value of an item before selling it. The price is probably only 100 thousand rupiah, but may have sentimental or nostalgic value for you or your family so that the value may be much greater than 100 thousand rupiah.
Do not stick the pamphlet until you know the rules. For example, you might get into trouble if you put a flyer on a power pole or someone else's mailbox and be fined.

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